Wednesday, May 20, 2009

more thoughts

i have so much to do and have no motivation, we leave for disney in 3 days and yet i sit here writing instead.

i love Cohen so much, but his attitude and screaming are getting out of hand, yet i sit here writing this.

i really hope i can make it to the hospital, to see my new little friend, i wish somedays i could clear my whole calender, but 5 kids and a husband keep me a little tied down.

Hayden has a game tonight, and i don't want to go, American Idol is on tonight, I want to see who wins, not hear it from someone else, also I want to be able to be free to go to see my friend and her new little man. am I a bad mother?

i'm a little crabby today, i've noticed like 3 times already that my feeling got hurt, i've wanted to scream at the kids, and if Hayden asks to play video games one more time i just might lose my mind, what about no does he not understand?

How am i going to make it through this day, with out loosing some kind of control, whether it be through tears, or anger.

i hate when i'm not in control.

I wish i could stay 29, 30 just doesn't seem right.

Stephanie if you read this, it's that time! remember doing your hair and you said you would call for my reminder.. that was a joke, o.k. maybe not all the you friend.

i'm wondering if i should just delete this post.

it's a beautiful day outside, i did just get back from a walk with my new stroller, the kids loved it.

summer is almost here, I can't wait for lazy days, no agenda, just fun. maybe we will be able to go to the lake, that would be wonderful.

i love my kids, my husband, my sisters, my parents, my family, and my friends. life wouldn't be worth living with out you.

today is going to be a good day, i'm believing for something great!!

1 comment:

  1. i'm reading it friend!!!
    i am hoping your day got better! you looked great when i saw you.... bennett appreciated you burping him... sometimes i just can't get them to come out! :)
    i love you so much friend!!!! i can't wait for you to have so much fun on your vaca w/ your family. i remember you telling me this winter all you wanted for your b day was to go to disney w/ your fam! i'm so glad it all worked out!
