Saturday, May 30, 2009

Happy Birthday to me

it rained this morning, and the first thought was Happy Birthday to me, and maybe your reading this thinking it's a bad, or negative thought, because of course on my 30th birthday it would rain. but i really meant it with excitement, it was the first gift i received this morning. a gift from God.

I had a great birthday trip, at Disney world. the kids did great in the car, our road trip went smoothly. our house was amazing, except a few loud kids that woke up at 5:30 in the morning, not my own! our first day at disney, was hectic, we had a few marital spats, a few unhappy children, but to be expected in a chaotic park, on memorial weekend. but we pressed on figured out a system, which we had down packed by the end of the trip. grab a map, plan out your day, and stick to it, but not to get upset when things don't go our way. we enjoyed watching our kids enjoy everything, loving the rides, hugging that princess, becoming padawons (star wars), it was a fun week. so many moments and stories to tell. we spent the nights in the hot tub, laughing and having grown up time, which is so needed after a long, tiring day at the parks. we had a few hard moments, but they were over come by the great ones!

we were ready to come home, get life back to normal, and relax. our drive home was nice, Hayden said God had helped us make it fast, and when I got home, another great gift was waiting for me, my garden had been planted, with the most beautiful flowers, it looked great. I thought what a wonderful way to end a wonderful trip. to come home to such a thoughtful gift, from our friends, thank you, Josh, Tori, Miles, Lila, Ansley, and Monroe (i heard monroe did a great job, looking cute in the car) you made me feel so loved and special, i can't even begin to tell you how much that meant to me. I hope you all know how loved you are, and your friendships mean the world to us!! the last instructions i recieved were to water my flowers in the morning, and God did this for me! once again a reminder of His love.

Happy Birthday to me!!!

1 comment:

  1. happy birthday beautiful friend!!!
    i'm glad your home... this was a long week...i kept thinking, is keri every coming home???
    i'm glad you guys had so much fun! love you!
