Tuesday, July 21, 2009


2000 is just a number. You are not constricted to numbers. it's a number that is written on a piece of paper. I see it as an obstacle, You see it come to pass. I can't see how, You see it done. This number represents so many possibilities, but it's also a number that is holding me back. You don't see the number, You see the many possibilities, nothing can hold You back.
I've decided to see through Your eyes, to see it done, to see it come to pass. I've decided not to let these numbers hold me back, but to see the possibilities, become reality.

Yes I trust in You.


  1. nothing is ever an obstacle for God... even a number that big! it's just pocket change to Him. trust in Him and i know he'll surprise you in a way you least expect it... just like He did with the gift that enabled this dream.

  2. unfortunatley the number that i see as an obsticale is a lot bigger. but i too am trusting Him. i'm not crunching numbers any more. i've always said God has a money machine in Heaven that just doesn't work like our calculators or bank accounts here on earth. 2+2 doesnt equal 4 up there!
    i'm believing for your 2000 to come! nothing will hold you back! i feel like just in the past week you have gone from keri who takes amazing pics, to "Keri Dummerth Photography" i am so so so proud of you! and i so so so believe in you! i love you friend! so so so much!!!!
