Friday, January 1, 2010


I want to remember 2010 for the year I believe it will be. Here are my goals
lets start simple, tho so hard for me

1. do a load of laundry everyday
2. keep the dishes clean
3. cook and enjoy it

next are some things that I really want to do, and want to love doing

4. play more games with my kids
5. become better at homework time, and encouraging my kids to read more
6. have craft time
7. go on way more dates!!!
8. go on vacation as a family
9. go on a romantic vacation

next are the dreams I see coming true

10. build our dream house
11. build my photography clientele
12. get my awesome camera

2010 is a year where dreams will be fulfilled !!!!


  1. what a great 2010 it will be!!

  2. i am excited and expectant to see your dreams come true, keri! i love you and i'm praying that you would enjoy every detail and every second of it! your faith motivates me to dream, too!! i believe this is going to be an amazing year for all of us!! 2010 here we come!!

  3. awesome! I'm so expectant for this year too! we should all pray for eachother's dreams and goals for 2010! i love you!!!
