Sunday, December 27, 2009

In the eyes of Joseph

I was sitting in church on Christmas eve, and they were doing this skit, with Mary and Joseph, the skit got me thinking, not because it was the greatest skit, but seeing Joseph made my mind wonder. What it would have been like to be Joseph, holding God's son, taking care of him. I wondered if he was doubting himself, if everytime he did something, was he nervous, I mean this is God's son. When Jesus hit his 2's and starting walking, and fell the first time, maybe scratched his knee, or bumbed his head, did he feel bad that he hadn't watched God's son good enough, I wondered the pressure he may of had, trying to be right before God. I wondered did Jesus throw fits, I mean he was sinless, so was Jesus the perfect child that did nothing wrong, or is a two year old a two year old, and does God even hold a two year old accountable for his actions, there for Jesus could have thrown fits. Did Jesus push his limits, and if so everytime he pushed them was Joseph scared to do wrong or dicipline, in the eyes of God, after all it is God's son. I just thought of the extra pressure he might of had, when Jesus cried, did Joseph get frustrated, then feel guilty about his thoughts, being in charge of God's son. Did Joseph have a fear of God, trying to do right at all times, speaking a calm way, loving extra, checking his actions to make sure God would be pleased. As these thoughts were in my head, a new thought came to my mind, isn't Brennan God's son, Leighton his daughter, Hayden and Cohen His son's, and my two year old who causes me to fail as a parent many days, His daughter. Aren't we all His children, shouldn't I have the same fears I was thinking Joseph may have had? Conviction came on me, last night as I was still pondering all these thoughts. My children are God's, to raise the way He would want, to guide them to His love, shouldn't I have the same fears? My children are borrowed, they are not my own, they belong to Him, I will have to stand before God on account of my mothering. I know this has changed my thinking, when I speak to my children, I should ask, am I doing right before you, If i'm having "one of those days", I should ask God for His grace, and always wonder am I doing your will, am I taking care, the best care I can of your son's and daughters. I pray I always think this way, that I live my life, as I would think Joseph did, and Mary did caring for the son of God, Questioning how to love and care for these gifts.


  1. I have wondered too how Jesus was as a child. It will be interesting to hear all the stories one day from Joseph.

    I pray I always think this way too! Great post!

  2. Josh was just asking me this yesterday... the thought never crossed my mind about the childhood of Jesus. - awesome post :)

  3. wow ker, your an awesome mom w/ the heart of God. to even be thinking this way keri proves that God sure did know what he was doing when he gave you and benji 5 precious babies! love you!
