Monday, January 4, 2010

the end, with a wonderful beginning

I'm beginning to realize how powerful God really is, how much He loves us and believes in us. The power He has, to do something we can not, is simply wait. God with all the power in the world, could speak a word, and change a circumstance, He could get involved and try to make it right, but with the power He has, He stays, He does only what He knows to do right. He there, He's working, He's sending, He's preparing, He's speaking, He's loving, He's comforting, yes, He's also waiting, allowing things to go on, because He know's something we do not, the end result. He know's the end result is His plan, is His future, for us, to restore, to give us back what we so easily gave away, for what? our own selfish desires, but being the powerful loving God, He has restored it, He know's the end, so on days when we ask, Where are you Lord, and wonder if our situations are beyond fixing, or why it feels He's doing nothing, when He's doing way more then we will ever understand. He knows he doesn't have to fix our situations, unlike us who are constantly trying to fix everything, getting our hands involved, worring about what we can not change, God know's that He's already fixed our situations, because He knows the end result. He has more power then I can even imagine, watching His children hurt, yet allowing things to go on, when me as a weak would have my hands in the mess trying to figure out anyway I could make it better for that moment, He know's All. So He allows, knowing that it's better for us in the end, yet during those times, He's still there, trying to reveal in so many ways, that we often miss because our eyes are not open, that it's going to be o.k., that He is in control, that He is our comforter, our provider, our story teller, and He has promised a great ending, with a new beginning. I'm so thankful I serve a real living powerful God. I'm so thankful that He has giving us the tools, and He trust us to use them. I'm so thankful for Hope, because with God, there is always hope.

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