Tuesday, January 5, 2010


One day she won't need this, one day she will forget, but for today, I want to remember. a two year old who finds comfort in her "nigh night". i've thought about taking it away, for it is so dirty, stained, and it has this smell to it, that no laundry detergent can get out, I've soaked it in oxy clean, bleach, and more to try to remove the nasty smell, dark colored corner, she has to suck on. I've tried to replace it, and have told her that that blanket is crusty, but then she cries and say's I want "crusty" so now the blanket is known as crusty. it's gross, and sometimes embarrassing, when people see it, and often even ask, "have you cleaned it", i want to scream, "yes what do you think we are", but I just laugh, and say yes...all the time, which is true. i want to take it away, i've tried replacing it, but this is what she wants, and for right now i'm o.k with it, because i know one day, this blanket will not be what gets her through the day, it will not be what comforts her at night, one day it will embarrass her, but for right now, I love the innocence, I love watching her laying there with the corner in her mouth, happy as can be. this is who she is right now, this is what she loves, so i love this blanket, because forever it will bring me back to this time, it holds memories that she'll forget, but i'll have forever.

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