Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I miss church this sunday...again, I know, it's been crazy I always have some reason why I can't go, some good, some just because, and some I really have no excuse. but this past Sunday Leighton had her first soccer game, she was so cute out thereUntitled-3
It was a little hot sitting in the bright sun so the boys pored water over them, and we drank slurpies, and the boys tried to see who had the brightest blue tongue, umm I think Hayden win this one!Untitled-0034033031
then again Cohen's looks pretty bright blue too!

the kids played on the play ground, and my big kid did too, oh I love him, such an amazing dad, always playing with the kids, teaching them new things, and having the patience when I so lack it.

Cohen wanted to play too!

but the best part of the day was taking Leighton to get pedicures, girl time is the best!

1 comment:

  1. I will be honest... Sunday's are hard for me too! Especially now that we have a baby, we either have lots of things going on that day so if we make it to church we are not home all day and Jacob doesn't do well with that, or we have nothing and I want to just soak up my family. I guess that is not a good thing to confess, but yea we are blogging so I will be honest ;) Though when I go, I am always so happy we made it.

    I love peaking into your family day last week! The slide pictures are great.... and the faces on your kids when they are going down! And getting pedicures with your mommy is the best! I am sure she absolutely loved it and felt oh so special.
    Love you Keri!
