Tuesday, September 1, 2009

school here we come!

Leighton came home from school yesterday with an application to become an "Ambassador of Character" which means she is saying she is going to set herself apart from the other kids, and set a good example on how to behave, having a positive attitude, and to be someone to look up to. She has to get nominated by 3 adults at her school, which she says she knows the 3. I know the three too, and trust me she'll have no problem getting nominated. I am so proud of her that she wants to set herself apart, make right choices, and set examples to other kids. Isn't that what we've been instilling in her? Another part of the questioner is who do you admire, and why do you admire this person, she choose me. my heart just melted! i know it's easy at this age to choose a parent, but she said she choose me because i set lots of good examples for her. I am just so blessed to have such a sweet daughter, God really does give you the best!

I always said, if your going to put your kids in school, any school, as a parent we should be involved. We'll I has signed up to be head room mother in Hayden's class this year, but put only if no-one else wanted to sign up. I got a phone call last night that someone else did sign up, but that the teacher has requested me, writing "yes, love her, she's great" on the paper, so they wanted to offer it to me first. I sat there on the phone dumbfounded that the teacher would write that, it touched me so much. She was Brennan's kindergarten teacher, so we do know each other, but only through class parties, and parent teacher meetings, but that from this she wrote those words.

I guess the whole reason for me writing this blog was to say, how much we can and do impact people's lives. How there is always opportunities, to show God to people, even when they might not know it's Him your showing. but by living the life by example, it causes people to know that you are set apart. I know that Leighton and I are going to make a difference in this school. I know Brennan and Hayden will too. And it causes people to ask, what are they doing right. people ask me all the time, how i have such sweet kids, we'll the credit goes to Him, he made them, and has given me the right words, and tools on so many occasions to be a good parent, and when i have fallen short He has forgiven me, and helped me use my own life to show my kids, how we fall short, but He always loves and forgives.

So watch out school here we come, determined to make a difference in anyway we can. We come to show His love, by loving and excepting His people just the way they are, not running from them, to shield are kids, but to be where He has placed us, in your lives, hoping we make connections, and reveal His love by these connections.

1 comment:

  1. you taught me all i know about the public school system i could only hope to one day be as well-loved as you by my kiddo's teachers. your kids are so, so blessed to have you as their mom-- you set such an amazing example in how to love others. you're right- people are watching. and when they see a family like yours, they see the love that only He can give.
