Wednesday, February 3, 2010

parenting failure?

today i was sitting at the computer woriking on uploading pictures, i was actually working on the below post, when  Ashlyn (my two year old) started what I thought was combing my hair. this is not out of the norm, often while i sit and play or work on the computer she comes up behind me and makes me "oh so pretty" as she says, while she combs, pulls, and tugs on my hair. She insists that I "hold still". she's not gentle, but i don't mind, because it does feel good for the most part. we'll today she say's "i cutting mommy's hair" but i didn't think anything of it, becuase she often pretends to cut, while really just combing my hair, so i continued to be caught up in what i was doing. It felt a little different, like something was scrapping my hair, so i turned around to find she had kid scissor's in her hand, and sure enough my own hair lay behind me. I put my hand in my hair, and more little peices of my hair fell out, I actually just started to laugh, how could i miss that she was cutting my hair, how did i not know? yes i've heard of kids cutting thier siblings hair, but not their own mothers!!! luckily it was only a little bit, and I have a pretty choppy hair cut, she did get a talking to, but all I can do is laugh at my own failure parenting!

1 comment:

  1. that is the cutest thing ever... haha! i love you ashlyn! i can just hear her say "hold still"
