2010 has been a year of the unfamiliar, nothing seemed the same, changes happening at every turn, a year in a way i was lost but also was found, if that can make any sense what so ever. A year of acceptance that I couldn't stay in what I was familiar with, a year I had to step out to the unknown and examine all life's possibilities that came with changes. That their are things to be thankful for in the things that had changed, but I tried to deny that anything good could come of it, I tried to hold on to my life before, and still tried to move on, but had ties from these things I could not let go, so i stayed stuck, moving tiny steps forward stretching those ties, but never fully feeling free to enjoy the new. So what did I do the last few days of 2010, honestly I cried a lot, more then I think I cried all year long. I cried for the things I regretted, for things I knew I had to let go of, I cried because life goes to fast, and many days I didn't enjoy them, I cried because I can not believe how fast my kids are growing, and I felt I let them down in so many ways, I cried because I'm so thankful, I'm so blessed to have all that I have, I cried....and felt renewed ready to take on 2011 in a whole new way, to live this year ready to except anything that God has for me, instead of trying to stay where I thought I knew best, see I thought if I stayed in my own little camp I could hold on to things longer, to my kids harder, but I missed a lot, I lost a lot of myself a long the way, but I'm living a new life, a new year, to live in every moment, every possibility, to find those little things to be thankful for, I'm challenging myself to find something for everyday to say, this is what I'm thankful for, this is what God has blessed me with today, I am going to documents what I am thankful for here on this blog, 1 thing for each day of this year, and my goal is to find something new, and not repeat myself each day. this isn't what my post will always be about, but I will always end then with today I am thankful for....
or on some days I will post a few for the days I missed blogging, but haven't missed saying them out loud.
here's what I'm thankful for on each day so far....

pajama pants! can't be thankful enough

Cohen's skin, it's doing so well, a verse we speak over him every night at bedtime, "for I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds says the Lord" Jer. 30:17 (look
Here to see what it was like before)
Day 3 of 2011

friendship found inside my household between my boys
I challenge you to live this year, a year of thanksgiving....
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