i was thinking about when Adam and Eve sinned, after they made clothing out of fig leaves, after they hid, and God asked "where are you?" all my life i wondered why God asked where they were? i mean he's God didn't he already know, didn't he already know this was going to happen, doesn't he know where we all are? i understand that something happened, separation from God to man, that the connection they once has was lost at this point, and not only did Adam and Eve feel it, but God did to, but couldn't he see where they were at? why did he have to ask? the simpleness that it is, is they had to say, to confess where they were at, to understand what they did, for God to make it right. this was the first confessing of sins, i don't know why i'm just getting this now, but the only thing i know, is today i hear God asking me
Where are you?
thankful for ...........
reading the bible in a year, provide by Joy FM(hopefully I will make it)
my super comfy slippers that i never take off when i'm home
the gift Leighton made me, with the sweetest note waiting for me on my nightstand last night
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