I'm in Genesis, and I'm reading about Abraham and Sarah, we've all heard the story, God has promised them a child, a son, God comes to their home, and tells Abraham, Sarah will give birth to a son, Sarah who is eavesdropping, laughs, she says, my husband and I are too old to have a baby, as I read this, I thought to myself, what's my excuse, for not believing in God's plans for my life, for his purpose, for him giving me my greatest desires. Sarah's was she thought she was to old, she saw what she thought was her flaw, her age, she thought it was to late for her.
I just said yesterday while on the phone with my friend, maybe it's to late for me, maybe i've missed my opportunity. Not with Sarah it wasn't, the Lord heard her laugh, and say she was too old, He said Is there anything to hard for the Lord? Sarah you will have a son.
So here I am, going back in my head, remembering my excuses, what I think are my flaws, why I thought it was to late for me...
I'm not good enough, i'm not smart enough, i haven't believed enough, i made that mistake, i'm not as good as that many excuses, but God doesn't see those, He see's the truth in what He's doing, in what he has planned, and just like Sarah, called out on her lie, when she said I didn't laugh, and God simply said, "no you did laugh", here I sit today being called out on the lies i think, the lies i've believed, and God is calling me out on them, Saying "is there anything to hard for the Lord?"
the answer is simply No.
for coffee!! can i get an amen!
for the amazing canvas that was a gift, that i love!! it's us as art, how much better can it get
snow days!
for God's word, with out it I would be lost
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