Tuesday, September 22, 2009

dear husband,

if i could take the weight you carry i would. if i could fix things and make them so easy i would. i see how hard you work, and how hard you want to work. i see that things are tough because of others decisions, and how you honor them and do right, even when they do wrong by you. i'm praying for you, for a door to open, for a gift from Him. i know He has great plans for you, i know this isn't all. I know He has always taken care of us, and that is why you keep going, knowing that He always provides. we have never gone with out, just as we have all that we need now, but i'm believing for more, so the stress isn't there, so the wondering if we'll get by tomorrow will go away. i believe in you, by and through Him. you are His, and so i don't worry, knowing that He is in control. i know how much you want to give to us, how much more you wish you could give, but know that you are enough for me, forever and always. our family is perfect, everything i have, is because of you, i know i'm always wanting more, and wishing i could have all these things, but they are nothing with out you, it's you, i love, it's who you are, your love that you give, no-one loves me, or see's me the way you do. i love our life, that you have provided us. thank you for all that you do, thank you for all that you are, and thank you for being a better man then i ever dreamed of. who would have thought two 15 year olds, would have come this far, and this strong. we have so much to be thankful for, and right now that's all i am, thankful for you.


  1. you being a wife that supports her husband the way you do- he is destined to succeed. i only wish all wives could love their husbands this way- through the good, through the bad and through it all. i'm believing with you that that "wondering if we'll get by tomorrow" will go away forever.

    so glad you can see what really matters the most in this...

  2. Beautiful, Keri. That's all I can even come up with to say...I'm speechless.

  3. this is so sweet keri! you are such a good wife...
    i'm believing and praying all the time for your family...
    you are truly, after his heart. love you friend...
