I want to share these letter my kids wrote, to touch your heart as much as it touched mine, and hoping that through my little kids words, God will touch your heart, by seeing the faith of a child.
This is the exact letters misspelled and all
Dear God,
Thank you for giving me a healthy family. I wish I could see you, and what you look like. Please forgive me for all the bad things I have done. I have a special way of seeing you when I am upset. I see you in my heart. I love you more then anything in the world. I love you so much that you don't even know how much I love you. We had a picnet today. I t was really fun. without you my life will not be as fun, but I know you are always in my heart. Where is heven at? I hope you read my letter. I am so glad you take your time just to help me sometimes. Pleas help everyone in my family to do the right thing. Thank you so much.
Love Leighton
Dear God,
I have a stiff neck I can't move it at all. When I do I get a headache. Pleas make it go away. It's a little hard to wright with out leaning my head down, but I love to right to you, and I love you. God wherever I put my letters can you read them pleas. I know you will read my letters. I know it's selfish, but can you pleas come down to earth and see me. I know you will make my neck better.
Dear God,
Thank you for all that you done this family. Thank you for video games. I love you. Thank you for having a picnet. I know heven is a lot more funner than hear. Thank you for this planet. Thank you for this family and t.v.
Dear God,
i love you. I like my presents. Thank you for making those presents for me. I wish i wasn't itchy.
And here is the picnic that they thanked God for
i can already see the preteen in this one
so sweet! but i did almost cry at cohen's "i wish i wasn't itchy". God will hear those prayers and read those letters. i'm believing with them!!