I've been noticing lately what a big girl you are, the way you talk, the way you act, the way you play with your big brothers and sisters. It's getting harder watching every day you get bigger, knowing that really I can't call you a baby anymore, even though your still my baby. I've realized I have to let you grow up, start challenging you more, let you get that independence I know you need so much. You've really always had this amazing independence trying to keep up with your older siblings, you crawled at 4 months...I believe just to prove to your brothers and sisters I may be small but I'm a force to be reckon with. I've been watching you play a lot more, since the kids are off to school and it's just you and me, you play like a big girl using your words and imagination, your really amazing!

I really noticed how big you seemed when Kati's twins were here, and you tried to be the mom, or big helper. you wanted to do it all! you were so sweet, I wondered what it would be like to have another baby, for you to be the big sister, but I know that someone always has to be the youngest, and you are perfectly our youngest child. I'm content with you being you right now, and enjoying every moment, I bet if you were not the youngest I probably wouldn't get the chance to notice all these wonderful changes in you.
I'm enjoying every moment...
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