Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Why am I suprised? because You always know, You always make a path, that leads and directs, that makes a way to build, to allow people to enter into my life, that needed that friend. A person to trust, a person to listen. It always amazes me, that when you stop and really listen, someone has a story, a need. That if you give a little of your time, to "be there", it's worth more then any gift that could be given. Life is way more then about me, I'm not the only one who has tribulations, I'm not the only one who is feeling lonely, I'm not the only one who hungers for more. I see those steps now, that first "hi", those words you spoke through me, "i'm your friend, if you need anything i am here", that small group I decided to do, but didn't understand why?, it's to get me here, her here, to know that she has a friend, to trust, no judgement, a real friend, through You, allowing me to be used, so why do I always sit here so amazed at who You are? Because that is who You are, full of those great suprises, full of Hope, full of Love, You know way more then I can ever, You see when I am not looking, and You build when I have laid down the tools. Thank you, for using me, why me, I'll never know, sometimes I don't feel worthy, but to show a little peice of who You are, I am here Lord, use me however you want.


  1. that's awesome ker! i loved our small group and wish it would never end... but there were difinitely friendships formed that never will! love you!

  2. i think that if God could have sent anyone to be that friend the other night, His first pick was of course you! you show a part of His heart that others so often can't, or choose not to. and because you can listen without an ounce of judgement, people feel safe in your company. i for one, am very thankful for every time you've been that friend to me.
