Saturday, December 19, 2009


i try to pretend, i try to ignore, but things just build up. i see that wall in front of me, but it's not made of brick, it's glass, i can see through it still, and some can see in. it's enough to let people see me, but not enough to let them in. i feel safe with the glass, i get to choose what i keep on the other side, but i fear, with one hard blow it's going to come crashing down, and break into a million pieces. I fear even more that a tiny rock, will but a crack in it, then causing it to come crashing down. I wish I could put a brick wall up, but this I can't do, I still need to see, I still need to feel like i'm in control, even though most days this is not the case.


  1. let it come crashing down! you are more amazing than you even know! i love you!!!
