so since this summer seems to be flying by.. i thought i would do a little catch up. it started with many lake trips, but it seems that fathers day marked the craziness we call this summer.
we have spent a lot of time at the pool, where i have learned how brave some of my kids have become this summer. i needed to work on my tan also for an upcoming event...a little thing called my sisters wedding.
but to add to the craziness Leighton also the mini bride, got poison ivy all over her body, but a trip to the doctor just to insure that our little princess would be beautiful on the day..i mean after all she is the most important person after the bride.
then before we knew it, it was 4th of July. we spent it at Grandmas, hanging out and letting the kids shoot fireworks, yes it was mayhem! ( i think that's how it's spelled)
then before we knew it, it was the dinner rehearsal, that yes my daughter did walk down and do it perfectly, why she didn't do this on the day, i will never know, but at least i got this picture
Michelle wedding day! the most beautiful amazing day. she looked beautiful and Ryan was cuter than ever, it was so much fun and I am so happy for them.
and life is back to normal...for now, where Dora makes a great babysitter,
and just hanging out is what we love to do.
so that is where we are today, but there is still so much more to come, playdates, family camp, and the beginning of school. but for now at least were all caught up.
Oh my gosh!!! Ashlyn and Cohen look so grown up practicing walking down the aisle at rehearsal, especially Cohen with his cute shirt all tucked in and everything.