I just got done reading Leighton's journal from school, i always love this time of year, when you get to see what your kids say when you are not around. Some of her things are funny some are sweet, so I thought I would just share a few. I realized she loves her older brother, Brennan, she looks up to him so much. I think about 1/3 of her writing was about him. I hope she always looks up to him, and i pray he stays someone to look up to. She loves her family so much most of her writing had to do with us, she loves being a big sister, and a big helper. i just love her so much, she brought tears to my eyes this morning.
in Leighton's words
Me and my brothers like to jump high, but Brennan jumps the highest
When my family races, Brennan always is first, but once I was first (she drew a picture of Brennan mad)
Once I heard Santa come in at night, but I didn't want to make him in a hurry.
Every morning I go to school but first I have to make breakfast for my little brother. (this is not true, I wonder what her teacher thinks, slave labor?)
My sister smiles at me a lot, but sometimes it is annoying. (this is so funny)
My brother Hayden, doesn't share some of his stuff, since he wants them to himself, but I still play with him
I've fallen a lot of times, but I don't fall as much anymore (this made me laugh so hard, she does fall a lot)
My mom reheats a lot of things, because she saves a lot of food.
My family is going to Disney World and when we get back we will have to unpack our bags, because we might get in trouble if we don't
My brother is three years old and he mistreats me, but he gets in trouble.
My sister makes me read stories to her all day (this is a little true)
My mom is funny when she tells funny jokes. My mom is good at games only I like to play the games mom plays. My mom is nice because she fixes me lunch and dinner. My mom is fair at everything especially at games, but sometimes I cheat. I feel so happy, I love my mom so much.
oh my gosh. she is so cute and sweet! i love leighton! she is such a good girl!