tonight is the night, hayden is having his first sleep over. for days he has been counting down the day, and now he's counting down the minutes.

he has been waiting at the window all day, double checking to make sure the car is not miles car. he thinks they are going to stay up all night long! play video games, and have boy time, no girls aloud, and maybe no brother. as we speak he just asked me again.."when is miles going to get here?"
he is so excited, he just can not stand it, it's his first real big boy sleep over. i thought that i would document this event. but for now i just have him being excited.

stay tuned to see how the night went! all boys all fun! we are planning on getting snacks, a movie, (don't worry tori it will be miles appropriate) and staying up late! wow what a fun night!!! we just got the call, miles is on the way!!!

stay tuned to see how the night went! all boys all fun! we are planning on getting snacks, a movie, (don't worry tori it will be miles appropriate) and staying up late! wow what a fun night!!! we just got the call, miles is on the way!!!
we've had quite a week of firsts at our house too... first time the teacher called home, and now this. these boys are growing up WAY to fast. but i'm so happy they're doing it together!