Wednesday, April 22, 2009

little things

Do you know I love you in the little things? This morning when you prayed with Cohen, for his leggies and all his itchies to be healed, I fell more in love with you. As I watched you hold him in your arms, and I listened to your sweet prayer, I thanked God for you, a tried to hide the tears, but I can't hide them now. Last night when I was stressed trying to get all the kids ready and out the door, the house was a mess, and I had to do hair when we got home, you quietly cleaned up for me, never asking why I couldn't manage my time better, you didn't rub that you worked all day and you shouldn't have to come home and do a "womens" work. You loved me through your actions, you loved me by not saying anything at all. I haven't been my best lately, and to you I'm the most sorry, I tend to take things out on you, and throw all my burdens on you, you listen and help as always, you never say "what about me," no I've taken those words, they are mine daily lately, and for that I am even more sorry. I've been living in this marriage focused on me and you haven't said anything at all, instead you've just loved, thankfully He has spoken to me, and let me see what an amazing man I have, a man who loves, and gives in so many little ways, but always ending with a big effect. I wish I could just get it right, to see that I need to care for you, get my eyes off of me, and how hard I've had it, I need to stop, and ask what I can do for you, ask how was your day. Thank you for loving me, the real me. I love you, and I hope you stumble upon this, but if you don't, know that I am going to be loving you in my actions, and trying to let you see my love in the little things. In the quiet moments where I too, won't say anything at all, and I hope that you feel the love I have for you now and more to come.

1 comment:

  1. it's those little things that make marriage so sweet. you are truly blessed with a wonderful husband and i hope he stumbles upon this thoughtful letter to him too.
