Monday, November 30, 2009

for you

My God I want to do what you want.
Your teachings are in my heart.
I will tell about your goodness in the great meeting of
your people.
Lord, you know my lips are not silent.
I do not hide your goodness in my heart;
I speak about your loyalty and salvation.
I do not hide your love and truth
from the people in the great meeting.
Lord, do not hold back your mercy from me;
let your love and truth always protect me;

Psalms 40:8-12

I don't know if lately I could honestly say all that I do is for You, I don't know if I can honestly say that all that I am is for You, but I read this, and remembered this is written like a song out of my own heart. A reminder that this is what I want to be, this is what I am created for, to do what you want. "Remember, God loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to have a hope-filled heart.....just like Jesus"- Max Lucado. I know God loves me, for who I am right now, I speak of his goodness, his love, his loyality, so many times to those around me, but often forget to execpt the same for myself. But thankfully his teachings are close to my heart, and my heart is speaking the loudest right now, to do what He wants me to do, to do it for Him, to live for Him, to wait for Him, to mold me and make me who He wants me to be, thank You, that you love me the way that I am, that You see greater in me, that you refuse to leave me only this.

Monday, November 23, 2009

nothing sweeter

Leighton's "I am thankful" book (Bold is what Leighton filled in)

I am thankful for many things. I am thankful for the turkey I eat. I am thankful for the dress I wear. I am thankful for the house that i live in. I am thanful for the doll that I play with. I am thankful for the family that I love. I am thankful for the trees I see outside. I am thankful for God that I love most of all.

She did this at school, and when i turned the last page and saw that she filled in for "God that I love most of all", a few tears started to come down. What is it about when a child says something like that on their very own, that just makes your heart so full. What a sweet little girl, I know this had to make God's day, because it sure did make mine.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

6 years. perfectly Hayden.

You are 6 today, as I wrote 6, I think I'm just now really realizing that you are 6! You are my little buddy, my little cuddle bug, my goofy child. Since the day you were born, you have been a mama's boy, longing for my hugs, my attention, my love. You have never been a needy child, just so full of love to give, yet also longing to recieve. At times, you stop everything you are doing to run up and give me that perfect hug and kiss. every day with out me asking you stop, come over for a minute, and just quietly lay your head on me, and say "i love you" You are just the sweetest little boy, so sensitive, so bright, so happy, and so full of personality. You crave attention, but not in an obnoxious way, in a quiet sort of way, just content to get your fill in this full house we live in. Another birthday has landed today, and what did you want, to wake up next to me, so I let you sleep in my bed, which is a huge treat, since i never let kids in the bed, but how could i resist, it was your birthday wish (though i didn't sleep very well) to wake up this morning, and hear you say "it's my birthday!".... and came flooding in the memories of your last 6 years. You were my easiest baby, so happy, so content, so joyful in everyway. You have this smile that makes your whole face smile, every expression you make is so full of you character, that character makes you who you are. the picture above says so much about you, talking, telling a story, being you, there's so much going on in that face of yours, it's one of the things I love most, to just sit and watch you talk, to see those big "black" eyes light up, that smile that curves so perfectly, those big cheeks, with the perfect dimple's placed inside. I love you so much, and I am so proud of you, so happy that you are mine. Yes in the last years you have stepped out and become more independent, have become more of a daddy's boy, wresteling, playing "war", doing what boys do, but there is something that I pray will always be, our connection, our story, our love. I love to watch you become a real boy, talking about things I can't begin to understand, but love to hear. I love to watch you put on your show for the family, trying to get the attention, the laughs, the encouragent to do more. I love to see you play with your brothers and sisters, longing to be bigger like Brennan, sneaking off to play with Leighton (playing house or something a boy "shouldn't" do),, playing with Cohen trying to prove that your the bigger one, older and wiser, and helping your little sister, holding her hand as she climbs those steps, or picking up that toy she demands you get. You have a very important place in our family, a perfect place! Your our middle child, and sometimes, with you.. being so easy and content, you get lost in the shuffle, but as I sit in think, it's a good thing to be you, at times being the middle is exactly where you like to be,  not on your own, but so much apart, in everyone's lives, in the middle of it all. I love you!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Things I've come to realize:

i will never have it all together, but i believe i have been given it all!
kids crying can be the worse sound to a mother's ear, but laughter is the best
a husbands love is secound best, God's is always first
family can be the hardest part of life, but the greatest all in one
a dirty house is a good thing, it means we are living 
having too much laundry is a blessing, i could be in need of clothes
a hug can be all i need for one day, to get me through
watching a kid, really to stop and watch them, is the best show in the world
hanging out with the people i love the most, is way better then filling my calender with to do's
slowing down, feels great